Friday, July 13, 2007

It's actually me posting!!

It's actually me updating! If you didn't know, all my previous posts have been typed on word documents, sent to my personal email account from Tony's home address, then posted by my parents or brother. But I'm at Carol's flat, using the internet, so I'm actually on now! As I am typing this, Russell, Amber, and Carol are off seeing the new Harry Potter movie. Seeing as I have yet to read any of the books or see any of the movies (and don’t know if I ever will…just not interested right now!), I am hanging out in Carol’s flat, where I am enjoying the luxury of quiet time, hot chocolate, and a SHOWER!! (Yay, for once I don’t have to wash my hair in the sink!!) The introvert in me is very happy :o)

This is going to be a random update…just some odds and ends that I don’t recall mentioning before, as well as some other observations.

Last week I had the opportunity to have dinner with my cousin, Liz (Thornberry). Yes, I have a relative in town! She’s working towards her Ph.D. in South African history, and as a part of that she’s taking a six week course in Zulu at Wits University on the other side of the city. It was a lot of fun to hang out, and she might even come by the Centre sometime to practice her Zulu with the kids and the staff.

On Sunday mornings, I’ve been helping with the praise team, running the Powerpoints. Yes, it’s the return of the powerpoint princess ;o) Well, last week Tony gave me the task of putting all their songs into powerpoint so he doesn’t have to type them up all the time. During down time at the Centre, I’ve been working through six (yes, six) large notebooks of lyric sheets and overhead transparencies, typing them all up. I’ve finally finished, and now I need to double check the formatting of the previous ones. He might also have me put pictures on them, if time works out.

Speaking of Sunday mornings…this coming Sunday is youth Sunday! So Carol, Russell, and I are taking over the planning of the entire service. I’m really excited about it...stay tuned for an update next week!

I’ve told you about most of my kids in my last update. Can I just say that I’m getting more and more attached to them, even if they are naughty? They’re so sweet and so much fun, especially since they’ve all warmed up to me. The other day, I was helping split up the classes for play time and was giving instructions to the Elephants. Rosina, one of my Puppies, came over and sat down with them to listen to me…I think she finally recognizes me as her teacher! I especially love to do puzzle time with the Puppy girls. We get out one of those wooden puzzles, and I hand them each a piece, one at a time. As each girl puts hers in, the others help her find the spot, and we all cheer when it’s put in the right place. I love being able to focus all my attention on a small group of them like that.

Another day, I was sitting outside while the kids were playing, and Elam came over to give me a hug. (I confess, she’s one of my favorites, though I try not to show it.) Then she said, “I love you, teacher!” (Okay, really, can I take her home with me?) But as I thought about it, I realized that I hadn’t heard those words since I’d been here (with the exception of among the Allen family, when the American team was here, and in conversations with my parents). And it made me wonder: how much, if at all, do those kids hear that? How much meaning does that phrase have for them? It breaks my heart to think that they might not hear it at all. I’ve been making a point to say it to them individually, when they give me a hug goodbye. I don’t want to overdo it, but I want them to know that I do love them, both through my treatment of them and telling them directly.

Cheryl also gave each of us a book called Fundamentals of the Faith, a workbook that has a lot of the basics of Christian beliefs that we’re to work through with someone else in a discipleship program. It’s not exactly one of my favorite books (I guess I’ve gotten a little post-modern and liberal in my thinking, so fill-in-the-blank faith questions aren’t my thing), but it’s a good thing for people who are learning the basics, to know what it really means to follow Christ. I’ve been assigned to Joyce, and today was our first discussion of it. We talked about some of the things, and I helped her to understand some of it. She’s still working on her English, so some of the language the book uses is a bit much for her. Pretty soon we were joined by Aurelia, who is just starting the book. It was so refreshing to sit outside and have discussions about the questions and things of that nature. Aurelia called it the “Touch Life College.” They both are eager to learn more, which is a great thing!

I think that’s all I wanted to mention. It’s hard to believe I only have two and a half weeks left here! There’s so much more I want to do, so many more people I want to get to know, so many people I don’t want to leave. Just thinking about leaving makes me tear up a little. Some people have asked me when I’ll come back, and I tell them honestly: when God wills it. Would I love to come back? Yes! But I don’t know what my future holds. I would definitely love to have another overseas experience (perhaps long-term? Here or another place?), but I’ve learned not to plan things too strictly, because God loves to turn my plans upside down and do something even better than I dreamed.

Now it’s time for three quick shout-outs: July 16 – Happy birthday to Miss Abbie Duke! July 17 – Happy 25th anniversary to my parents! July 18 – Happy birthday to Miss Kristin Beasley! (my apologies to others I have forgotten – most dates don’t stay in my head very well!)

Hope you all are doing well!


Anonymous said...


I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thinking of you and the children.


Anonymous said...

Awww, you remembered my birthday!! I LOVE reading about you, and I am sooo excited that you are having such a positive experience!!!! Can't wait to see you. Treasure every moment you have in South Africa:-)